17th WAPE Forum
The 17th WAPE Forum will be held 2-4 August 2024 at Panteion University, Athens, Greece. To read more click here. It is co-organised by WAPE (World Association of Political Economy – https://www.wapeweb.org/) and GAPE (Greek Association of Political Economy – https://politicaleconomy.gr/main/en ) and hosted by the Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences (https://www.panteion.gr/en/). To read more about the 17th WAPE Forum […]
16th WAPE (Sept 2023) Forum Abstract proposal deadline 26 Aug
16th WAPE – Registration & Abstract proposal deadline 26 Aug Sixteenth Forum of the World Association for Political Economy Chinese Modernization and the Prospects of World Modernization, 25-27 September 2023, Fuzhou City, China The 16th WAPE Forum will be held on 25-27 September 2023 at Fuzhou City, China. This forum will be co-organized by the […]
The IIPPE 13TH ANNUAL CONFERENCE IN POLITICAL ECONOMY. The Chronicles of Multiple Crises Foretold from September 6-8, 2023, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid, Spain. REGISTRATION PORTAL NOW OPEN! The registration window is now open.
WRPE 13.2 authors on the Okishio Theorum
WRPE 13.2 authors on the Okishio Theorum. Authors Xian Zhang and Yufeng Xue article “A CRITICAL DECONSTRUCTION OF THE OKISHIO THEOREM” https://bit.ly/WRPE13_2_Zhang_Xue and also author Bin Yu’s article “ANALYSIS ON THE OKISHIO THEOREM” https://bit.ly/WRPE13_2_Bin address the Okishio Theorum. Authors Zhang and Xue examine literature denying Marx’s Law of Tendency of Rate of Profit to Fall […]
WRPE 13.2 edition featured article- “On The Communist Manifesto”
While highlighting the growing international support of socialism and criticism of capitalism author Raju Das’s article “On The Communist Manifesto: Ideas for the Newly-Radicalizing Public” discusses how this movement may win more people over to socialism from the capitalist dominated system. The author discusses how The Communist Manifesto, a fertile source of revolutionary ideas, makes […]
The 15th WAPE forum published within the latest WRPE 13.2 edition
The 15th WAPE forum “Rethinking Economic Analysis: The Perspective of Political Economy”, was hosted by WAPE itself, the Greek Association for Political Economy (GAPE), and the Shanghai International Studies University (SISU) on December 18 and 19, 2021. The forum was strongly supported by the Chinese Association for Political Economy, the China Society for Foreign Economics, […]
WAPE 15th Forum, Dec 2021
The 15th Forum, “RETHINKING ECONOMIC ANALYSIS: PERSPECTIVE OF POLITICAL ECONOMY”, of the World Association for Political Economy (WAPE) took place on 18-19 December. The scheduled program can be seen here. It was held physically at the Shanghai International Studies University, China; but was complemented by virtual panels with a large number of Marxist economists from outside China participating. There […]
5th September GERG invites you to attend the launch of ‘Through Pluripolarity to Socialism: A Manifesto’
GERG invites you to attend the launch of ‘Through Pluripolarity to Socialism: A Manifesto’. On September 5, 2021 the launch of ‘Through Pluripolarity to Socialism: A Manifesto’ takes place over Zoom and YouTube live. GERG would like you to click here to register to attend the launch and please share widely! The Manifesto is an […]
Event calendar
February 2025 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
The cancelled 15th WAPE Forum on ‘Rethinking Economic Analysis: Political Economy vs Economics’
The 2020 WAPE Forum was to be held in Athens but it did not because of the COVID-19 lockdowns. This 15th Forum was to be co-organised by WAPE and GAPE (Greek Association of Political Economy – https://poleconom.wordpress.com/) on ‘Rethinking Economic Analysis: Political Economy vs Economics’ The 15th WAPE Forum due on 31 July – 2 August […]
The 14th annual conference of the World Association for Political Economy (WAPE)
The 14th annual conference of the World Association for Political Economy (WAPE) was hosted by the Geopolitical Economy Research Group in Winnipeg in July 2019. These are the closing plenary speeches
WAPE forums
The last fourteen WAPE forums were successively held in Shanghai (China), Shimane (Japan), Beijing (China), Paris (France), Suzhou (China), Amherst (USA), Mexico City (Mexico), Florianopolis (Brazil) and Hanoi (Vietnam), Johannesburg (South Africa), Patiala (India), Moscow (Russia), Berlin (Germany) and Winnipeg (Canada) annually between 2006 and 2019. Participants in past WAPE forums have come from over […]
The 9th WAPE Forum – Growth, Development and Social Justice
Growth, Development and Social Justice The Ninth Forum of the World Association for Political Economy May 23–25, 2014, Vietnamese Academy of Social Sciences Hanoi, Vietnam The 8th forum of the World Association for Political Economy (WAPE) was successfully held in Florianopolis, Brazil on May 24-26, 2013. Participants from over twenty countries attended this forum. Ninety three papers or abstracts were […]
The 8th WAPE Forum Statement 2013
A Statement On Inequality and World Capitalism: Analysis, Policy and Action Since the end of 2007, when the latest historic crisis of capitalism became the worst ever, countries from Latin America and Asia, especially China, are referred to as new actors of a changing world as an alternative to capitalism. There are many kinds of inequalities such […]
The 8th WAPE Forum – Inequality and world capitalism: analysis, policy and action
Inequality and world capitalism: analysis, policy and action 8th Forum of the World Association for Political Economy May 23–26, 2013, at Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC) Florianopolis, Brazil Topics for the Eighth WAPE Forum 1. The inequality in the production and distribution of wealth in the world and its causes 2. The occupy movement and anti-inequality […]
The 7th WAPE Forum Statement – 2012
A Statement On State, Market, the Public and Human Development in the 21st Century The history of modern capitalism confirms the potential of the public sphere and the state sector to advance human development. It must be noted that not every case of an expanded state role has been politically progressive, as exemplified by the fascist regimes of […]
The 7th WAPE Forum – State, Market, the Public and Human Development in the 21st Century
State, Market, the Public and Human Development in the 21st Century The 7th Forum of the World Association for Political Economy May 25–27, 2012, at Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana, Mexico City Topics for the Seventh WAPE Forum 1. The relationship between state, market, and the public under globalization 2. The status, role, and forms of organization of the public in […]
The 6th WAPE Forum Statement – 2011
A Statement On Responses to Capitalist Crisis: Neoliberalism and BeyondSome analysts have proclaimed an end to the “Great Recession” since economic output has recovered somewhat in most of the capitalist countries at present. However, the economic crisis that began in 2007-08 is not over. While capitalist profits and CEO pay have increased, unemployment remains very high […]
The 5th WAPE Forum Statement – 2010
A Statement On The Crisis of Capitalism and its Solution: Socialism of the 21st Century The world is faced with three global processes that are decisive, not only for the daily life and indeed survival of all citizens of contemporary civilization, but also for the scientific work of Marxian economists and related groups around the world. These […]
The 4th WAPE Forum Statement – 2009
A Statement On Nations, Globalisation and Democratic Governance During the last thirty years, two evolutions happened in the world. On one side, the biggest firms of the capitalist countries have raised the profit of their business by producing and investing in outside countries and by selling products in new markets. On the other side, large underdeveloped […]